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the art for this seems to be the same as in spent shells, just noticing

The game itself was a huge inspiration, I wanted to recreate something like that, ended up using kenney's creature tool for monsters and the monsters look same as that game

ah, alright

Really fun! first time playing a game like this

(1 edit) (+1)

I think I updated the game this one is an old version or like the actual submission for the jam, glad you liked it, I got like 7 so I was really happy with this one, the thing where the doors didnt opened was a bug now fixed


ah gotcha, 7 is not bad! I recorded this quite a while before I posted it so I must have missed the update. I$ thought it was still really fun!

Is the dash supposed to pass through enemies and bullets? Either it did not work or it was not intended. I tried to dash through enemies and it failed, causing me to die.

It plays, looks and sounds nice! It does feel a bit unfinished. Not much variation and there's nothing you can do with the gems you collect, I think?

Apparently Dash was supposed to be so you go through enemies and traps , maybe I got the timing or state wrong, I bug occurred due to my editor once crashed while making it , the top notch gun didnt spawn, the top gun is wayy too over powered so it consumes 1 gem each time you use it

enemies spawning outside the walls and i can't hit them or progress.

Thu bugs is occuring when the room transition doesnt takes place for some reason