Please try to use unique names while submitting the score, otherwise the leaderboard might replace someone else's score, It would be great if you use your itch.io or twitter custom name to avoid this glitch, thanks for cooperation, Web version was having some bugs, if you get it then I recommend downloading the game


Press esc in game to know controls, otherwise here is the list

  1. WASD to move
  2. Space bar or Right mouse Button to dash
  3. Left mouse button to shoot or throw bomb
  4. Use Num 1, 2, 3 or Numpad 1, 2, 3, to use your inventory, the inventory is sorted on its own, first slot is for Arsenal, 2nd slot for launchers,, 3rd slot is for bombs, bombs are stackable
  5. Press Q to pickup items on floor
  6.  When in game, not in main menu or character selector, press P to  fullscreen

Game Concept

The game enrolls around a man came in dungeons to collect a special kind of rock, the creatures living here are inhabitants of some other dimension and they drop that rock when killed. Try to get the highest score, I may add the other dimension in the future


Roboki (Art and Programming)

Ramsey (Music and SFX)

okermute.io (Music and SFX)

CraftyInk7699  (Music and SFX)

Kenneys creature maker free tool used to make enemies.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorsRoboki, Ramseyj1990
GenreAction, Shooter
Made withGDevelop
Tags2D, Pixel Art, Roguelike, Top down shooter


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the art for this seems to be the same as in spent shells, just noticing

The game itself was a huge inspiration, I wanted to recreate something like that, ended up using kenney's creature tool for monsters and the monsters look same as that game

ah, alright

Really fun! first time playing a game like this

(1 edit) (+1)

I think I updated the game this one is an old version or like the actual submission for the jam, glad you liked it, I got like 7 so I was really happy with this one, the thing where the doors didnt opened was a bug now fixed


ah gotcha, 7 is not bad! I recorded this quite a while before I posted it so I must have missed the update. I$ thought it was still really fun!

Is the dash supposed to pass through enemies and bullets? Either it did not work or it was not intended. I tried to dash through enemies and it failed, causing me to die.

It plays, looks and sounds nice! It does feel a bit unfinished. Not much variation and there's nothing you can do with the gems you collect, I think?

Apparently Dash was supposed to be so you go through enemies and traps , maybe I got the timing or state wrong, I bug occurred due to my editor once crashed while making it , the top notch gun didnt spawn, the top gun is wayy too over powered so it consumes 1 gem each time you use it

enemies spawning outside the walls and i can't hit them or progress.

Thu bugs is occuring when the room transition doesnt takes place for some reason